COVID-19 & Crisis Management Resources
Below are some things to consider and resources for managers and organizations to assist in handling a crisis such as a pandemic health event or disaster.
Colorado COVID-19 Relief Fund
Through this Fund, eligible community-based organizations across Colorado may receive a general operating grant of up to $25,000. Click here to apply.
CO Health Insurance Special Enrollment
An emergency Special Enrollment period has been opened up from Friday, March 20 through Thursday, April 30, 2020 to help as many people as possible protect their health and safety during the COVID-19 outbreak. Visit Connect for Health CO for more information.
CCASA COVID-19 Resources Summary Flyers –
Resources for SA programs compiled by the Resource Sharing Project
Since information and guidance continues to change and evolve, RSP created this COVID-19-specific resource page to share information relevant to managing coalitions, offering TA around providing sexual assault advocacy, working with funders, and getting support during this time.
Victim Access to Services
As happens during natural disasters, “victims and their family members or companions may not report a sexual assault or seek services for a variety of reasons. They may feel that sexual assault is not a “life or death issue,” or even very important at the time of the assault. Because of the chaos associated with the disaster, victims may not know how to seek services, where to go, or who to talk to. They may feel shame or self-blame, and think that they will not be believed, particularly since other emergencies are going on. In cases of child sexual abuse or intimate partner sexual assault, victims or their family members may be pressured by the abuser to stay together as a family in the wake of the disaster; the victim may also have mixed feelings toward the perpetrator and may depend upon him. And attempts to manage so many other survival issues may take precedence. Additional barriers may include availability of services, confusion of roles and processes, and privacy needs” (LaFASA & NSVRC, 2008, Sexual Violence in Disasters).
It is important to communicate with your community partners in order to know the best way to connect survivors with needed services, such as getting a forensic medical exam or reporting to law enforcement, during times when these systems may already be stretched to their limit. Advocates should also reassure survivors that they have the right to access these services.
NSRVC roundup of resources (Click Here)
Sexual Violence Considerations Amid COVID-10 for Law Enforcement – SATF Oregon (Click Here)
How COVID-19 Could Impact Victims/Survivors of Violence – MNCASA (Click Here)
Responding to COVID-19: Rape Crisis Centers & Survivor Needs – RALIANCE (Click Here)
Survivor Safe Haven (Click Here) via RISE
For Healthcare/Hospital Advocacy Resources (Click Here)
For Telehealth Counseling/Digital Response Resources (Click Here)
For Administrative Related Resources (Click Here)
Other Resources
A Toolkit for Survivors During COVID-19
The StrongHearts Native Helpline (1-844-762-8483) is a culturally-appropriate domestic violence and dating violence helpline for Native Americans, available every day from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. CT.
StrongHearts advocates offer the following services at no cost:
- peer support and advocacy
- information and education about domestic violence and dating violence
- personalized safety planning
- crisis intervention
- referrals to Native or Tribal-based domestic violence service providers
Urban Indian Health Institute – Updates and resources for tribes and urban Indian organizations and communities about the Novel Coronavirus outbreak.
Services for people on the Autism Spectrum “Supporting Individuals with Autism through Uncertain Times” Toolkit
Stop It Now child sexual abuse prevention:
24/7 Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-422-4453 Prevent Child Abuse America’s resources and tips for parents, children and others.
Colorado Springs LGBTQ+ youth services
One Colorado LGBTQ+ resources
TLDEF+know+your+rights for COVID-19
Title IX – Know Your IX is conducting a survey to learn from survivors, who are currently undergoing Title IX investigations on how this COVID19 pandemic is impacting their Title IX process. Please fill out their survey here.
- If you are currently undergoing a Title IX investigation or started to report an incident on your campus prior to and during the COVID19 pandemic, and you need legal support:
- The Equal Rights Advocates‘ ENOUGH advocates (volunteer attorneys) will help you navigate through the TITLE IX process at your school. You can fill out a form here.
- The National Women’s Law Center’s Legal Network provides support by matching you with up to three legal attorneys in your area. You can learn more about this Legal Network here.
- Coronavirus Related
Rocky Mountain Victim Law Center is a Colorado nonprofit organization providing free legal assistance to victims of violent crime to help enforce their rights under the Victims’ Rights Act. Pro-bono Legal Representation – RMvlc represents victims of violent crime in Colorado. Assistance & Consultation – RMvlc provides legal assistance for victim service providers, district attorneys, law enforcement, and other government agencies. Training & Outreach – RMvlc presents to victim advocates, prosecutors, law enforcement, private attorneys, and government agencies.
WomensLaw Email Hotline – The purpose of this Email Hotline is for WomensLaw to provide basic legal information, referrals, and emotional support related to domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
Colorado Transportation Resources – DRMAC
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment:
CDC basic information on Coronavirus
Colorado COVID-19 Emergency Hunger Relief Fund
No Kid Hungry Emergency Coronavirus Grant Request
Rocky Mountain Crisis Partners 1-844-493-8255 (TALK)
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center – Resources in Response to COVID-19
Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women – COVID-19 resources
National Indian Health Board
National Congress of American Indians – Indian Country Resources: COVID-19
Emergency Grants to Address Mental and Substance Use Disorders During COVID-19
Multi-lingual Coronavirus Information
Introductory Video on Coronavirus World Health Organization (WHO), 2020 This is a five-minute introductory video in English about the novel coronavirus. Captions are available in English, Arabic, French, Simplified Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian. To access multi-lingual versions, create a free OpenWHO account. These videos are embedded in 3- hour long self-paced e-learning courses that may also be completed in each language listed above.
Information on Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak World Health Organization (WHO), 2020 On this website, you can find information and guidance from WHO regarding the current outbreak of COVID-19. This page provides daily updates in English, French, Simplified Chinese, Arabic, Russian, and Spanish.
Coronavirus Resource Center Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) The CDC provides resources and updates on COVID-19 in English, Chinese, and Spanish, including How COVID-19 Spreads (English, Spanish, Chinese), Symptoms (English, Spanish, Chinese), Prevention & Treatment (English, Spanish, Chinese), and Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Childcare Programs and K-12 Schools to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID19) (English, Spanish).
A Round-Up of Multilingual Resources on COVID-19
Community Care During COVID-19: A Message To and From AAPIs
Mantenerse segurx durante COVID-19
This google spreadsheet is a collection of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) in-language resources on the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The resource links have been submitted by national and community-based organizations that work with health & AA and NHPI communities.
Free Lyft transportation services – English/Spanish speaking – COLOR, CIRC
Resources for Kids and Families/Recursos Adicionales para Familias en Español
– Futures Without Violence
Resources, Tools, and Articles in response to COVID-19 – Move to End Violence
Immigration Related Resources
Public Charge does not restrict access to testing, screening, or treatment for individuals or their children–including for COVID-19. English information. Spanish Information.
Update regarding Public Charge Rule from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) : “USCIS encourages all those, including aliens, with symptoms that resemble Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (fever, cough, shortness of breath) to seek necessary medical treatment or preventive services. Such treatment or preventive services will not negatively affect any alien as part of a future Public Charge analysis.”
National Immigration Law Center – Update to Immigrant Access to Health Care
COVA’s Emergency Fund Program can be used to provide hotel/motel stays if shelters are closing down or if a survivor needs to be isolated, as well as rent/utilities and other emergency assistance. Download the application (must be completed and submitted by an advocate NOT the survivor). COVA Emergency Assistance Application 7-19-18(1)
A Colorado Tenant’s Guide to COVID-19
Denver Temporary Rental & Utility Assistance (TRUA)
Denver Public Schools – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for Families and Students
Rental Help in Colorado – HUD
Mortgage relief options for homeowners affected by Coronavirus Safety measures
Xcel Energy’s response to COVID-19
The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment (CDLE) has a variety of resources for workers and employers who are impacted by the Coronavirus.
In response to COVID-19, Denver Economic Development & Opportunity is working on connecting our Denver business community to the most appropriate resources in our region. The first step is to let us know how your business is being impacted by filling out this questionnaire. Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (DEDO) staff will evaluate your information and help you identify the most appropriate support for you and your business.
Indeed Career Guide: Resources on finding work quickly, navigating a remote job search and how to work from home if you can.
Indeed Community Conversation: Finding Remote Job Opportunities
National Community Reinvestment Coalition Resource Page (Housing, HUD, small businesses, etc.)
Federal Disaster Loans for Businesses, Private Nonprofits, Homeowners, and Renters