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ACTION ALERT: Contact Senators Today to Support S.C.R. 24-001

Contact Your Senator TODAY!

Support S.C.R. 24-001: Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Amendment 

S.C.R. 24-001, also known as the Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Amendment, has been introduced in the Senate and assigned to the Judiciary Committee. We need your help to demonstrate the strong public support of this important amendment by asking your Senator to vote ‘YES’ on S.C.R. 24-001.  

Find your Senator here.

Below is information about S.C.R. 24-001 and some suggested language to use when reaching out to legislators.
If the Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Amendment was referred to the ballot, Colorado voters would have the opportunity to:
  • Amend the state constitution to permit legislation that would allow victims of childhood sexual abuse to bring civil claims, regardless of when the abuse occurred.
  • Take a stand against childhood sexual abuse by creating a pathway for survivors to hold abusers accountable and removing predators who remain in the system.
  • Allow the General Assembly to shift the cost of childhood sexual abuse from victims and society to perpetrators and institutions that covered up the abuse.


Call Your Senator: 

“My name is [Your Name], and I am calling to ask that you vote ‘YES’ on the Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Amendment, S.C.R. one (S.C.R. 24-001), to take a stand against childhood sexual abuse. I care about supporting survivors of sexual abuse because [your reasons] and for these reasons, your vote on this concurrent resolution is incredibly important to me. This Amendment would give Colorado voters the opportunity to create a pathway for survivors of childhood sexual abuse to hold perpetrators and the organizations that covered up the abuse accountable—protecting today’s children from sexual abuse. I hope I can count on your ‘yes’ vote on S.C.R. 24-001 (pronounced “Senate Concurrent Resolution-one”) to support survivors of child sexual abuse.” 

Email Your Senator: 

SUBJECT: Support S.C.R. 24-001: Vote ‘Yes’ On the Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Amendment 

Dear Senator [Last Name]

“My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to ask that you vote ‘YES’ on the Child Sexual Abuse Accountability Amendment, S.C.R. one (S.C.R. 24-001), to take a stand against childhood sexual abuse. I care about supporting survivors of sexual abuse because [your reasons] and for these reasons, your vote on this concurrent resolution is incredibly important to me. This Amendment would give Colorado voters the opportunity to create a pathway for survivors of childhood sexual abuse to hold perpetrators and the organizations that covered up the abuse accountable—protecting today’s children from sexual abuse. I hope I can count on your ‘yes’ vote on S.C.R. 24-001 to support survivors of child sexual abuse.” 

Thank you, 

[Your Name]

[City & Zip Code]