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ACTION ALERT: Ask the House Judiciary Committee to support SB24-011!

Support SB24-011: Online-Facilitated Misconduct & Remote Tracking
SB24-011, Online-Facilitated Misconduct & Remote Tracking, has passed in the Senate and is moving to the House Judiciary Committee. We need your help to demonstrate the strong public support of this important legislation by asking members of the House Judiciary Committee to vote ‘yes’ on SB 24-011.
Please contact Judiciary Committee members before Tuesday.  
Below is information about SB24-011 and some suggested language to use when reaching out to the Judiciary Committee. 
Colorado’s current legal landscape leaves victims of technology-facilitated sexual violence vulnerable and without a way to seek justice. If SB24-011 was passed, it would: 
Increase user safety by requiring dating apps to:
  • Be more transparent in their safety policies and practices;  
  • Submit annual reports to the Attorney General on the scope of user misconduct and their responses; and 
  • Face accountability for not taking action in response to members reported for harming another member.
Expand protections from stalking and harassment by:
  • Requiring two-party consent for tracking devices (like AirTags) and programs; and 
  • Including digitally altered sexual images in existing nonconsensual pornography laws to cover deepfakes. 
Call House Judiciary Committee members:
“My name is [Your Name], and I am calling to ask that you vote ‘yes’ on SB24-011 (Senate Bill eleven) Online-Facilitated Misconduct & Remote Tracking. I care about protecting Coloradans from people using dating apps, tracking devices, and AI to perpetrate sexual violence and harassment because [your reasons], and for these reasons, your vote on this bill is incredibly important to me. This bill would expand existing protections and increase accountability for tech-facilitated abuse, providing survivors a way to seek accountability and creating a safer online experience. I hope I can count on your ‘yes’ vote on SB24-011.” 
Email House Judiciary Committee members:  
SUBJECT: Support SB24-011: Please Vote ‘Yes’ On Online-Facilitated Misconduct & Remote Tracking 
Dear Representative [Last Name]
“My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to ask that you vote ‘yes’ on SB24-011 (Online-Facilitated Misconduct & Remote Tracking). I care about protecting Coloradans from people using dating apps, tracking devices, and AI to perpetrate sexual violence and harassment because [your reasons], and for these reasons, your vote on this bill is incredibly important to me. This bill would expand existing protections and increase accountability for tech-facilitated abuse, providing survivors a way to seek accountability and creating a safer online experience. I hope I can count on your ‘yes’ vote on SB24-011.”
Thank you, 
[Your Name]
[City & Zip Code]